Hymns & Music for Second Sunday After Epiphany

“Give Me Jesus,” “I Have a Dream,” “In Unity, We Lift Our Song.” | Hymns & Music for Second Sunday After Epiphany


Come to a church that’s refreshing, inspiring, and fun!

At Princeton United Methodist Church, we play beautiful classical and sacred music during worship, which refreshes the spirit. We also sing new or well-known hymns and “gospel and folk songs.” PUMC music ministry includes a handbell choir, children, youth, and adult choirs. We pray that our music will inspire everyone, old and young, and help them find faith and hope

This Sunday, we commission the elected leaders of our beloved PUMC (virtually) in worship.  God has blessed us enormously with the incredible and many leaders we have among us! You can find a list of the elected leaders here. The hymns that we sing at this worship service go perfectly with our scripture passages Acts 2:41-47 and 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 and are in line with Pastor Jenny Smith Walz’s sermon, “Weave Us Together with Compassion.” Pastor Jenny is inviting us to look at OUR PUMC community. “How can WE be more of a beloved community for one another and those beyond our church family?” she asks. To survive these challenging times we live in, Ephesians 2:14 reminds us, “Christ himself is our peace. He has made Jews and Gentiles into one group of people. He has destroyed the hatred that was like a wall between us.” 

  Video: “Give Me Jesus.” 

 During worship, watch our two music interns Christina Griffin, soprano, and Emily McDonald, piano, perform Mark Hayes’ arrangement of the traditional spiritual, “Give Me Jesus,” for the Music Ministry.

  Video: I Have a Dream”

Pamela J. Pettitta Methodist minister in Britain, wrote the hymn “I Have a Dream” and published it in 2005 to the tune  REPTON. “The hymn’s title, “I have a dream,” stems from Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous speech delivered to over 200,000 civil rights supporters on 28 August 1963, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. In his speech, King called for racial equality and an end to racial discrimination.” Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a federal holiday, will be observed tomorrow Monday, January 18, 2021.

                            Video: “In Unity, We Lift Our Song” 

Ken Medema, blind from birth, is a songwriter, composer, recording artist, and storyteller through music and is the author of the hymn “In Unity, We Lift Our Song.” It is set to the tune EIN’ FESTE BURG. This hymn teaches us that we are all welcome in God’s kingdom. It refers to Galatians 3:28: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Click here to watch the PUMC worship service, listen to the beautiful music, the children’s story time, the scripture readings, the sermon, the prayers, and the story sharing.

Image Source: Google Images

Written by Isabella Dougan

Letter to the Congregation: Annual Conference Legislation

November 4, 2020

Dear Friends:

Please join us this Sunday, November 8, following worship at 11:30 a.m. to hear about and participate in a discussion about two new pieces of legislation that were passed by our GNJUMC Annual Conference in October.   This session will be via Zoom at: 


Or dial in:  929 436 2866, Meeting ID: 853 667 0465, Passcode: 7862       

At this year’s virtual Annual Conference of the GNJUMC in October, a number of new pieces of legislation were discussed and approved.  We would like to provide an overview of the Conference and details on two specific pieces of legislation:  A Journey of Hope and A Resolution in Support of Black Lives Matter.

A Journey of Hope directly addresses the sin of racism and the oppression and enslavement of African Americans and Native Americans in the Greater New Jersey Area.  A Journey of Hope establishes financial resources and sets specific actions and goals for increasing leadership diversity, ministries, and policies and procedures within our Conference.  While having goals that go into future years, we at PUMC can begin our participation in this work now.  Here is a link to more information about A Journey of Hope:  https://www.gnjumc.org/2020annualconference/journey-of-hope/.

A Resolution in Support of Black Lives Matter calls us to recognize, engage in self-examination, engage in acts of mercy and justice, and to dismantle the sin of racism in GNJ.

Our Conference has taken a bold stand in passing legislation that affirms that racism is a sin and that, as Christians, we are called to dismantle it.  At the session on November 8, we will review the legislation and begin a dialogue on what this means to PUMC as we live this charge.

Please plan to join us.


Pastor Jenny Smith Walz

Pastor Skitch Matson

Edwin Francisco, Lay Member to Annual Conference

Iona Harding, Lay Member to Annual Conference

Emelia Timpo, Lay Member to Annual Conference

Church Council: Meet Donna Robinson, Secretary

Donna Robinson has been doing church work all her life, from growing up in a Baptist church in Roebling, New Jersey, to serving at Colesville United Methodist church in the D.C. suburbs. You could find her in the kitchen, or with the prayer shawl ministry, or counseling church members, as the leader of Stephen Ministers.

When she moved here last summer, you could spot Donna sitting on the left side of the sanctuary, halfway down. She joined this year. Like many who transfer from a busy church life, she wanted to take a restful hiatus.  “Sitting in the pew and just being fed, felt like what I needed.”

But – when invited – Donna went to the monthly Coffee with the Pastor, and to the class for newcomers to decide if they wanted to join. Pastor Jenny invited her to be secretary of Church Council, a job that would embed her in the life of the church. Says Donna: “I was shaking my head no, but I said yes.” This position also offers an opportunity for her to stay in the background (her comfort zone) but also to share her experiences from another congregation.

PrincetonUMC matched the profile of the church where Donna raised the children that are the focus of her joy: Michelle (in California), Joshua, (in New York City); and Faith (who stayed in Maryland). She lives in West Windsor with her sister, who works at Princeton University. “My sister Karen felt at home. I felt at home.”

If you get a chance to engage with Donna, you will find yourself doing most of the talking, because she is a professional “listener.” A psychology major at Lafayette College, she earned her master’s degree in spiritual pastoral care at Loyola University. At church, she put this to good use as a Stephen Leader, training Stephen Ministers, “I learned to listen with the ‘third ear’ and enjoyed it very much.”

Though PrincetonUMC’s prayer shawl ministry is on hiatus, she continues crocheting and has donated six prayer shawls so far.  But so far, she has also resisted a call to join the bell choir. “My last two years in Maryland, I rang bells. Being up front was not what I desired to do, but my prayer pal insisted. I finally gave in and it was fun!”


Charge Conference 10/20/2020

Everyone is invited to attend the charge conference, the annual meeting led by our District Superintendant, Rev. Hector Burgos. It will be a zoom meeting on Tuesday, October 20, at 7 p.m.

As we look back at the past year and look ahead to 2021, we will set clergy salaries and elect officers from among the lay members of our congregation. We take a look at changes in the membership rolls.

Pearl Quick
Tayler Necoechea
Hyelim Yoon

An exciting part of this meeting is to recognize and endorse three candidates that are beginning the ordination process: Pearl Quick, our intern for the past two years, and this year’s interns, Tayler Necoechea and Hyelim Yoon,

In every other year, church members were accustomed to signing the attendance sheet at this meeting so their votes could be counted. This year, because the meeting is by Zoom, the bishop’s office has decided that only Church Council members and retired clergy will get a vote. Nevertheless, ALL ARE WELCOME, The zoom link will be available on this website under “News and Events” and then click on Church Calendar. It will also be sent in an email.  Come and find out what’s going on in your church. 

United Methodist Communications – Around the World and Close to Home

A new e-newsletter marks the launch of a denomination-wide effort to streamline and customize communications for United Methodist members, leaders and seekers. It is the first publication to carry the voice of the denomination directly to members. Subscribe to the free e-newsletter and view the most recent articles at UMC.org/newsletter. If you have an inspiring story to share, send ideas to UMNow@UMC.org

Sent twice per month from UMC headquarters in Nashville, United Methodist Now includes inspiration and information –stories, articles, videos, quizzes, links and other multimedia content. Subscribers can anticipate learning about:

  • What it means to be United Methodist
  • Christian living/your daily journey
  • Church beliefs and history
  • Motivation, inspiration and things worth watching

Close to home are you getting the PUMC newsletter in your email? Call or email the office if you aren’t. More news is available on Facebook here. 

If you have news to contribute, email newsletter@PrincetonUMC.org.

Our own conference, Greater New Jersey (GNJ), is doing a great job at trying to communicate with us as members. GNJ was given the “Communication Director of the Year” a ward and six other awards. It offers a weekly e-newsletter, a monthly newspaper that is also online, and a podcast.

Anyone can sign up for the GNJ Digest, a free weekly email newsletter that promotes time sensitive events and resources at the conference level, previews weekly denomination news relevant to Greater New Jersey and the strategic plan, highlights conference-wide initiatives and agencies including Team Vital, the Mission Fund and A Future With Hope and provides a vehicle for job postings and committee meeting announcements. Sign up at https://www.gnjumc.org/the-gnj-digest/

The Relay is a monthly newspaper that provides information on events and resources available throughout Greater New Jersey. The Relay promotes evidence of vitality in our faith communities and bright spots among our worshipers. Print copies are sent free of charge to all clergy, lay leaders and committee leaders, but articles are also online. Print subscriptions are available for $10.

The Uncovered Dish Christian Leadership Podcast is a bi-monthly podcast on Christian leadership by the United Methodist Church of Greater New Jersey that uncovers stories, equips leaders, and changes the world. In this gospel-centered podcast hosts James Lee and Kaitlynn Deal invite guest on the show to share, discuss, and journey with listeners on what churches and congregations are doing in Greater New Jersey and for the Kingdom of God. The latest episode focuses on why every church should have an Instagram account. (We should, who wants to do it?)

Again, they said, Rejoice!

Want to know what goes on in the administration of the United Methodist Church in our state?

Here’s the “wrap up” of the annual conference and here it is in a longer video. You will hear the command “Rejoice in the Lord always” many times!

On Sunday our own Rev. Dr. Catherine Williams was ordained in this video.

The Monday Morning worship had a great praise band, here. 

Erin Hawkins, from the General Commission on Religion and Race, offered a “teaching moment” to introduce a 10-year intercultural competence initiave.

Retired N. J. Supreme Court Justice Gary Stein talked about integrating the public schools in New Jersey. Included in this video about inclusiveness (welcoming immigrants) is the talk that Judge Stein gave (starts at minute 11).

Watch these videos — especially Bishop John Schol’s major address — if you want to know what the future holds for United Methodists in Greater New Jersey.


Strategic Plan: Project Vibrant Worship

Sunday Morning Traditional Worship Team

Worship is a huge part of our church life!  It is one of three elements in our Strategic Plan for 2017 (see complete document here).

Church council members have been discussing at great length what worship experiences will serve both our current congregation — and those not currently worshiping with us — and have agreed to explore how we should move forward to encompass the things we currently do and what we might want to do differently in the future.

As part of what we are calling Project Vibrant Worship, we have created two subteams.

One subteam will explore the possibilities for Sunday morning worship: continue two services, combine with one Sunday morning worship, or some alternative scheduling for Sunday morning

Another subteam will explore alternative worship experiences, with focus on attracting families with children and youth

Project Vibrant Worship’s leadership team includes Rev. Jana Purkis-Brash, Tracey Feick (Church Council Chair), Lori Pantaleo (Worship Committee Chair) and Bernhard Brouwer.

The subteams have formed and began meeting in February. Please share your thoughts with members the special Project Vibrant Teams – and also with Church Council, and church committees. 

Sunday Morning Traditional Worship Team Chairperson: Lori Pantaleo

Team: Reggie Cann, Ida Cahill, Sharon DiStase, Rick Engel, Tod Hamilton, Sara Hicks, Beverly Masters, Janis McCarty, Christine Shungu, Hyosang Park, Jana Purkis-Brash

Alternative Worship Experience Team Chairperson: Bernhard Brouwer

Team: Sarah Betancourt, MaryBeth Nelson, Robert Scheffler, Hyosang Park, Skitch Matson

Church Council welcomes input! Church Council is committed to keeping the congregation updated. We ask for your involvement and prayers as together we seek to continue to serve God at PUMC and in our community.

Tracey Feick-Lee, chair Church Council