Introducing Ginny Cetuk and Trey Wince

Virginia Cetuk PUMC
Ginny Cetuk

“I am humbled and delighted to be joining the Princeton United Methodist Church on what I think is the most exciting journey in life, namely, being ever growing disciples of Jesus Christ,” says Virginia  (Ginny) Samuel Cetuk. She will preach on Sunday, July 2, at 10 a.m., and the service will include Holy Communion.

Trey Wince PUMC
Trey Wince

Ginny has been appointed as Interim Administrative Pastor for 2017-2018, along with Trey Wince, who was appointed as Interim Worship Pastor. Essentially they are splitting the job of our former Senior Pastor, Jana Purkis-Brash.

“My favorite things in life include asking questions,  exploring big ideas, reading books about things I know nothing about, gardening,  and getting to meet and work with others,” says Ginny. “All of these things happen in church!”

Norman and Ginny Cetuk

Born and raised in northeastern Pennsylvania, Ginny has a BA from Lycoming College and a Masters in Divinity from Drew Theological Seminary. She was Associate Pastor of the Martinsville United Methodist Church and then staff chaplain at Overlook Hospital for two years followed by an additional three years as Hospice Chaplain.

Returning to Drew in 1981, she served as Associate Dean for 32 of her 35 years at the school. She also served as Dean of Students for two years and interim Dean of the Theological School for one year. She met her husband, Norman Cetuk, in college; they live in Bridgewater and have two sons, Russell and Mitchell.

Debbie and Trey Wince with Liam

During his years of church leading, planting, consulting and pastoring, Trey earned a reputation as a vibrant, fun-loving leader. He knows the area well because he served as pastor of Kingston UMC.

He majored in English at Baylor University and has a master’s degree from Princeton Theological Seminary. He has served as College Director (serving students at Vanderbilt, Belmont and Lipscomb Universities), Director of Young Adult Ministries at First Presbyterian Church in Nashville, and international missions coordinator with Joshua Expeditions. 

Currently Trey is Director of New Disciples at the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference and he will continue part-time in that position. Trey and his wife, Debbie, live in Kingston with their son, Liam.  Trey’s first sermon will be July 16 at 10 a.m. 




The Feed Truck Folks in Mission

4 DSCF9129Volunteers organized by the Feed Truck from Kingston United Methodist Church held a Volunteer Meetup workday today (Saturday, March 7) at PUMC. Click here for the Facebook album and share!

We heard about the Feed Truck from its executive director, Jessica Winderweedle, when she preached at PUMC in January. Each month, The Feed Truck partners with a different local non-profit that works to alleviate food insecurity and economic injustice in our area (

Today the more than 2 dozen volunteers — seminary and university students, KUMC church members and staff, and PUMC volunteers — accomplished lots. In Fellowship Hall’s newly-renovated catering kitchen, they made chili for Cornerstone Community Kitchen under the direction of Darrell Baum, Feed Truck chef, and they also made raspberry jam. They helped sort mounds of clothing for the Clothes Closet at CDK and for Threads of Hope closet at Chambers United Methodist Church. They decorated breakfast bags for Cornerstone Community Kitchen and did other useful tasks.

Thanks to Christina Ong, a Malaysian student in her final year at seminary, Aron and Sara Tillema (both seminary students from California),  Katie O’Hearn (on the staff at KUMC), KUMC volunteer Alan MacIlroy, Arby Barrett of Manahawken, Theresa Henry, a mole bio graduate student at Princeton, Aida Haddad (seminary student in program ministry at KUMC), Skitch Mattson and Adam Tobey (seminary students who are Feed Truck Chaplains), Meghan Kane (an RVCC student), Melissa McKamie (ask her about musical theatre!), Michele Bylsma (who works at Riverside School), Amanda Nicol (KUMC member), Jessica Rigel (seminary student from Pennington), and Meredith Cox (seminary student from Atlanta Georgia). Also to PUMC members Judy Miller, Annette Ransom, seminary intern Brady Beard, and Jeanette Timmons, volunteer extraordinaire from the Jewish Center of Princeton. There was even a father-son team. Richard Adams is a seminary student and his father Gregg was visiting this week from Virginia.  Praise the Lord for the use of talents and time!