UMYF: Family Thanksgiving


Hi All!

Don’t forget – our Family Thanksgiving Celebration is November 22 from 4-6PMfor all families with children and youth from Pre-K to 12th Grade.

We will join together to feast, worship, and do a mission project. We are asking you to bring the following:

  • Your family’s favorite Thanksgiving side dish for our potluck dinner. We will provide the Turkey!
  • Personal hygiene products for our mission project for Threads of Hope: shampoo, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant. Since we will be assembling kitsĀ for families, we also want to collect things like hair elastics, headbands, barrettes, etc.

We will also have a short, interactive worship service with prayer stations for all ages around the thanksgiving theme. It will be a wonderful night. If you could RSVP to me with what you are bringing and how many people, I would appreciate it.

This will be our event for UMYF on the 22nd, and Youth Choir will meet AFTER from 6-7PM. Please mark your calendars appropriately!

Thank you,
