What We Believe
Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19-20
Our Mission Statement:
We are a diverse community
joyfully responding to God’s love
and growing as Disciples of Christ
by nurturing, teaching, reaching and serving all people
Our New Vision Statement:
We seek:
- To know God personally as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We glorify God in our words and deeds and celebrate God’s love. We are open to all of God’s possibilities. As God loves us, so we love one another.
- To be a place where ALL are welcome. We embrace and celebrate the vast diversity of the people in our communities, our country and our world.
- To touch people’s lives through our programs and meet them at every stage of their lives. We reach out to our brothers and sisters around the world through our prayers, our service and our gifts. We embrace the gifts and graces that God has given each of us.
- To be intentional about our discipleship and to follow Christ’s example. We are continuously growing in our faith, our understanding of the Scripture, our practice of what it means to be a Christian and a United Methodist, our love for one another, and as a community.
- To pray with and for one another and to nurture each other in good times and bad. We care about the souls of those we encounter. We care about the lives of the people in our Church, our communities, our country and our world. We demonstrate our love and care through worship, prayer, friendship, fellowship, outreach, service, and financial support.
- To teach, preach, read and study the Word together. We teach and mentor the children, youth and adults, encouraging them to grow as disciples of Christ. We provide our diverse community with opportunities to study, reflect and grow in their Christian discipleship and in their fellowship with one another.
- To serve God joyfully by serving others. We actively and gladly respond to God’s call to serve those in need. We give our love, our prayers, our encouragement, our friendship, our service and our gifts just as God has given us. We are advocates for peace and justice in the world.
Our mission extends to all people as we never know where and when and with whom the opportunity to share God’s love and witness to Jesus Christ will arise. We embrace all who are seeking or in need of God’s love. We recognize that as children of God we minister to one another, the wider community, and the world – all people.