Sunday June 26. Resident Theologian Donald Brash “Tweeting the Message: Did we forget anything?”


This morning we begin a new series of sermons on the one-liners we may read on people’s Twitter messages, or TWEETs. Twitter is one of the cyberspace ways that people stay connected. The question before us as we proceed weekly through this series is how do we stay connected to God, even with our more casual inclinations during the summer months

Today’s one line TWEET is, “Did we forget anything.

Jana thought, thinks I am well suited to address this topic. We won’t repeat that conversation here. Envision with me a family one hour into a ten-hour drive to their vacation destination. One parent turns to the other and asks: Did we forget anything? My own answer to this question is realistic: I assume that I did… Experience has taught me that I will have forgotten something. So far, I am glad to say, that something has not been a some-one.

thYou probably will not be surprised when I say that Jana is the queen of list makers, and advanced planners. She often brings on our trips what she thinks I might forget. So, when I need that item, and she hands it to me, I lower the volume of my complaining about the quantity and weight of her luggage. It’s an artful tactic that works for her… and – for us.

In Joseph and Mary’s day, planning ahead for a trip was not merely an operational preference made by disciplined people, like Jana: It was a necessity. Nothing could be wasted, and forgetting to take something needed could be fatal. Ancient journeys required careful planning. It was best to travel in groups, because rogues and brigands haunted some regions, despite the Pax Romana. There likely would have been discussions about who would bring what, and in what order they would walk or ride, where they would stop for the night, and who would take the first and second and third watches.

Let’s start TWEETING our responses to this week’s question: Did we forget anything? Not as likely if we made a list and started preparing early.

We forget more than things, and not only on vacations. I refer first to those many, many times each DAY when perhaps I should speak for myself – when I give credence to the phrase, “absent-minded professor.” You may be able to relate to some of the following examples, in question form, even beyond the stereotype of walking into a room and forgetting why you entered it. Do you look at your cell phone and wonder why you took it from your pocket or purse? Do you sit and stare at the icons on the phone hoping to remember the one you should press? Do you drive down the highway and, at some surprising moment realize you do not remember driving from point a to point b? Do you ever get a phone call from the bank asking you to return the canister to the drive-thru. (That may be just me. It was an embarrassing moment.)

youth sunday greetingOurs is a forgetful generation, and it is not just because some of us spend too much time with our minds elsewhere. We are drawn toward lifestyles that are mentally fragmenting. Television and radio, cellphones, computers and so much more are over-stimulating; and so, overwhelmed, we disassociate from the present, and we forget. I suggest that (I am working on this one now) in order to reduce mental fragmentation and enhance our focus on the here and now we may benefit from pausing, just pausing: perhaps before beginning our day in earnest, or between tasks, or in the evening, or all of the above. We read in the gospels that Jesus often went into the wilderness to be alone. He knew that rhythm is essential to nature. It is written in the fabric of this world. That we will benefit from taking a few minutes regularly to reflect on where we were, where we are, and where we are heading probably is in our DNA.

SECOND TWEET: Did we forget anything? Not as likely if we paused before we left. (SUBTWEET: Even less likely if we have included pausing in the rhythm of our days.)

Still beyond things and vacations alone: Forgetting has consequences both for individuals and communities. There are three journeys in our lesson from Luke’s Gospel, and they are interesting as they were motivated by community memory. I begin most days with a reading from the Christian Testament, the New Testament, if you prefer. I read it in Greek, which is the language of composition for most of its documents. I am not special in this: Many professors of theology are able to read an ancient language. When reading in Greek, I often discover something new to me, a detail I did not see before, one that both stimulates and focuses my thinking. Sometimes I relearn something I once knew. Have you noticed that life’s lessons are easily forgotten and must be relearned many times? Like individuals, a community with amnesia repeats the mistakes of the past. Just two generations from the holocaust, anti-semitism is on the rise again in Europe, along with anti-“otherism.” (Europe is a not-so-distant mirror.) Fascism is an expression of anarchy disguised as nationalist loyalty. Fear is the great enemy – the demonic force behind hatred and scapegoating.

ANOTHER TWEET: Did we forget anything? Not as likely if we are attentive to our lessons.

Forgetting is not always a problem. We need to be able to forget in order to make room for what our conscious minds can hold. On the other hand, some forgetting damages our ability to enjoy the present. Memories that are repressed sometimes contribute to our driven-ness, our sense of urgency and fragmentation, our diving in and swimming with very little if any sense of direction. Repetition compulsions (neurotic habits) are another subject for another day – I’ll not share any of mine today…

I WILL TWEET this much: Not as likely if we look for what we may have overlooked.

The first journey is about Jesus’ birth – a familiar story. Jesus’ father and mother traveled to Bethlehem. Upon their arrival, there was no place to stay, and Mary was giving birth. We may relate to their fear and anxiety. Some journeys include dramatic events: illness, hospitalization… we might substitute in Mary and Joseph’s case updated language. Instead of no room in the upper room, where guests were lodged, we might say there was no room at the hospital, no room in the maternity ward, or there were no medical facilities nearby.

TWEET: Did we forget anything? Not likely if we anticipate possible surprises along the way. (Of course, we cannot anticipate them all.) Still beyond things and vacations alone.

The second journey in our story was motivated by the covenant God is said to have made with Abraham, and detailed through Moses at the giving of the Law. The newborn male child would be circumcised as a sign of belonging to the people of the covenant: God’s chosen, God’s elect; and if he was the first boy, he also went through the rite of cleansing at Jerusalem; hence the journey [It is interesting that rites so essential to Jewish identity were set aside by the Apostle Paul. Christians typically believe that in this he understood the spirit of the law. There has been much argument over the centuries about the status of the law, even to this day.]

TWEET: Not a response to the question but an insertion – Remember why you went on the journey. (Don’t let arguing over the route spoil the trip.)

The third journey is the trip made by an apparently large contingent from Nazareth to Jerusalem for an annual festival. The journey was an annual event; perhaps this year Jesus’ coming of age also was celebrated. As we have heard it read, at the end of the festival the contingent began their return journey to We read that Jesus’ parents, Joseph and Mary, discovered after a few days’ on the road that Jesus was not with other family members, as they had assumed. Can you imagine their panic? Perhaps theirs was a unique panic? Now, according to Luke, the parents had been through a lot of convincing experiences, enough to say to themselves, perhaps, something like this: “Dear God we’ve lost the Messiah!” What a Tweet that would be… going viral wouldn’t even begin to capture the power of that one.

I think, though, that they really were just worried about the boy they loved. I remember my parents, with five children, counting heads in order to avoid a personalized “yes” answer to today’s question: Did we forget any… one? Mary and Joseph returned quickly to Jerusalem and looked frantically for Jesus, only to find him astonishing the elders by his wisdom, which is evidence that this was his bar-mitzvah” year.

TWEET: Did we forget anything? Not likely if we keep our minds on what matters most.

The story of this journey is a little vexing. Jesus responded to his parents: “You should have known I’d be about my Father’s business.” Never mind he had worried his parents half-to-death.

Upon hearing, “Oh, I stayed behind to do God’s work,” I might have responded, “Maybe God will do your extra chores when we get home to Nazareth. It may have been that Jesus felt a tension at this, a tension we too encounter: to attend to the need of the moment, perhaps a mundane need in which people are depending on us, or to do pursue our calling, Do I leave my Sabbath moment in order to respond to the urgent, or do I stay? A word of caution: I have heard excuses that put a veneer of prayer on a matter that required action. Pausing, even if for prayer does not necessarily make holy things or holy people. On the other hand, not pausing to reflect and think and pray potentially leads to undiscerning commitments, and unholy alliances.

TWEET: Did we forget anything? Not likely if pausing leads to more meaningful and timely action.

thI have mixed metaphors with some license today. It’s been a fun frolic for me. Suffice it to say that we are on a journey, individually and all together. Love for God, love of neighbor, and a healthy love of self. On these commandments lie all the law and the prophets, that is also, all the memory of community identity and meaning. The fruits of the spirit are faith, hope, kindness, welcoming the stranger… against these there is no law.

FINAL TWEET: Above all – remember love – Love should be on our list! Then it will not be likely that anything really necessary will be forgotten.

Did you forget anything? Are we forgetting anything? This summer, let’s take the time for a second look at our packing list.

Communion offering: on July 3, for UMCOR

75thAnniversarylogo-200All are invited to celebrate Holy Communion on Sunday, July 3, at 10 a.m. United Methodists practice open communion –– our table is open to anyone who seeks to respond to Christ’s love and to lead a new life of peace and love.

The July Communion Offering will support the operations and administration of United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). UMCOR is the humanitarian relief and development agency of The United Methodist Church.

When destruction and the chaos of war, or natural disasters strike, UMCOR is a first responder partnering with communities when they cannot recover on their own –developing systems of clean water, sanitation and hygiene, sustainable agriculture, and community building.

The reach of UMCOR extends to over 80 countries as well as the United States. UMCOR provides those affected by crisis or chronic need without regard to their race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. In gratitude for UMCOR’s work as the hands and feet of God, our offering will support administrative costs so that 100% of donations for disaster relief will go directly to those in need. Thank you for your generosity.

worship communion from balcony long P1030777
Holy Communion by intinction. The bread will be gluten free.

Hashtags: Vacation Time!

VacationTweetsSermonSeriesSlider-943x345 (1)
Photo by Robin Birkel

It’s vacation time!Join us for worship on Sundays at 10 a.m. for our Vacation Tweets sermon series.  These phrases, such as “are we there yet” and “this is the life” are so universal. We’re looking forward to how our pastors relate them to our growing as disciples of Christ. If you have a Twitter account, feel free to use the hashtags! (Hint: our Twitter handle is @PrincetonUMC)

June 26: #didweforgetanything            Donald Brash

July 3: #imtooexcitedtosleep                Jana Purkis-Brash

July 10: #arewethereyet                       ASP Team

July 17: #thisisthelife                            Catherine Williams

July 24: #itsraining                               Jana Purkis-Brash

July 31: #idontwanttogoback              Jana Purkis-Brash

Come early to join in the hymn sing (9:45). A nursery is available and children will enjoy the Summer Sundays: Fun Plays program. Everyone is welcome and, yes, the church is air-conditioned!

Sunday, June 19. Rev. Catherine E. Williams “Lessons from the Toy Box: The Rocking Horse”

thOne of the scribes came near and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them well, he asked him, ‘Which commandment is the first of all?’ Jesus answered, ‘The first is, “Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one; you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.” The second is this, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” There is no other commandment greater than these.’ Then the scribe said to him, ‘You are right, Teacher; you have truly said that “he is one, and besides him there is no other”; and “to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the strength”, and “to love one’s neighbor as oneself”,—this is much more important than all whole burnt-offerings and sacrifices.’

I do not remember my first encounter with a rocking horse. But I do remember the last tiIMG_0542me I rode one. I had taken, David, my grandson to the park and he was his energetic self, running all over the playground going from this fun to that fun to the next… After some time I looked over at the empty rocking horses; they were the most appealing toy to a tired grown-up who needed a break. I held David’s hand and excitedly pointed, “Look,” I said, “a rocking horse, let’s go for a ride.” I sat him on one horse, and straddled the one next to him and we began riding, well…rocking actually. Ten seconds later he was scrambling to get down. “No,” I encouraged him, “let’s ride some more.” But he could not dismount that horse fast enough. This was NOT his idea of play. Why do you think? It was going nowhere! It was all show and no go!

I guess I could just get right to the point of this rocking horse sermon and say that as Christians we need to stop merely going through the motions, get off our rocking horses, and get about the business of spreading our salt and shining our light. But not so fast. The trajectory on which this sermon began to travel two or threeth weeks ago was tragically disrupted by a horrific mass shooting in Orlando last Sunday morning. It wasn’t the kind of event that I could keep calm and go on preparing my tidy little rocking horse sermon. No, the rocking horse took on more significant proportions as I read the Scripture, and read the news, and re-read the Scripture, and heard more news. The increasingly dissonant and mournful soundtrack against which I read Mark 12 could not be dismissed.

At first Jesus’ conversation with the religious leader looks pretty mundane – of course we are to love the Lord, our God with everything we are, and of course we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. Except that…God doesn’t change. We can learn and grow in our love for God, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We can begin to think we are masters of that love (especially if you’ve earned anything like a Master of Divinity degree.) But our neighbors change. So just as we think we’ve learned to love our neighbor, we look over and someone else has moved in. Do we have to love them too?

Well let’s just reflect together for a bit on this two-part commandment: love the Lord your God with all that you are, and love your neighbor as yourself. For us, as children of God, this is not an option. For us, as disciples of Christ, loving God is no more an option than breathing is for a human being.2015-12-21 19.49.45-1 Love is who God is; and if we spend any amount of time in God’s company, through prayer, through meditation on the Scriptures, through worship, through study and service, through fellowship with other people of God, love is something that we become, even more than something that we do. God is love, and all who are born of God are born of love, and learn to love. Love is in our DNA as children of God, born of the Spirit, born from above.

Which makes the second greatest commandment flow quite naturally from the first. Let me say this a few different ways. We love our neighbor, because we love God. We can’t really grow in our love for neighbor unless we are growing in our love for God. It is our loving response to God’s love for us that teaches us how to love our neighbor. We love as God loves us; we forgive, as God forgives us; we include those who are not like us, as God includes us, we who are not like God. We’re following a Divine model here. There’s so much that can be said about this Divine model of love on any given day, but there are three aspects about it that I find instructive as I slowly emerge from the shock of yet another tragedy, and wonder what can I possibly do that will be of any significance.

First is that God’s love happens in and for the benefit of community. God, who has every reason to be narcissistic, has chosen instead to be represented by a community of three (Parent, Son, and Holy Spirit,) and has opened up that community to all that is not God. God so loved the world that God gave God’s only begotten son that whosoever believes in him, should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) Anyway you unravel or interpret that Scripture it boils down to God opening up God’s self to include all of creation. When we love in – and for the benefit of – community, we are patterning God’s love.

Then, God’s love is also sacrificial. If in loving God and loving our neighbor we don’t
experience some degree of inconvenience, we may want to look at the model again. The ultimate Divine ‘inconvenience’ happened to be
death by crucifixion, and some of God’s people have suffered similar inconvenience throughout the ages, up to today! But the inconvenience of loving isn’t always extreme. It may call for giving up some of our time, some of our resources, some of our precious beliefs and ideologies, some of our prejudices, and even some of our rights. Whatever the cost, love that reflects God’s love comes with some degree of inconvenience and sacrifice.

The final aspect of God’s love that I find instructive is that it’s stubborn. It’s persistent, it’s tenaciogettyimages-539767802us, and it’s dogged. It suffers long, and is kind. It does not envy, does not parade itself, and is not puffed up. It does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not easily provoked, and thinks no evil. (Is this sounding familiar?) God’s love is stubborn because it bears all things, it believes all things, it hopes all things, it endures all things, God’s love never fails!! When people ask for this passage to be read at their weddings, I remind them that this is not human love. We may rightly aspire to this, but in actuality the apostle was holding up a model of Divine love to a bunch of folks who needed a radically different model of getting along.

When violence and tragedy strike again, and again, and again, with blunt numbing force, we need a stubborn love that never fails. When leaders and aspiring leaders advance models of division, bigotry, prejudice, and cowardice, we need a stubborn love full of courage that does not behave rudely and does not seek its own interest, but the interests of others. As disciples of Jesus we have a different model of being community. The challenge before us is whether in the face of evil we will respond in kind or in love. My brothers and sisters in Christ, the love we are and the love out of which we operate is not defined in any dictionary, it is modeled for us in Jesus the Nazarene carpenter who loved enough to lay down his life for his friends. And as one pastor has said, “You’ve never locked eyes with anyone who doesn’t matter deeply to God.”1

When we get weary of loving like this, because it does take a toll on us, we yearn for some reprieve. In such an instance a rocking horse is a fine thing. It keeps us in motion without going anywhere. It may even hypnotize us so we don’t feel the pain and the anger as much. But it is not the vehicle of God’s salvation, nor is it the way of the cross. It is all show and no go. As the apostle reminded the Corinthian Christians, going through the motions of speaking with a silvery tongue without love means nothing; going through the motions of demonstrating high intelligence and understanding of all mysteries and all knowledge without love means nothing; going through the motions of demonstrating faith, without love means nothing. We can even go through the motions of feeding the poor, and exhausting ourselves in service to those less fortunate than us – the apostle calls it going through the motions unless there is deep motivating love behind it all.

If I were to offer a counter idea to the rocking horse, it would be the idea of horsepower! The term was originally coined when the steam engine was being marketed in the late 18th century. People didn’t understand how engines could work, but they knew about the kind of work horses could do. If we want to talk about efficiency and effectiveness in our mission as Jesus’ followers, then I suggest we begin with the horsepower of love. And I am bold enough to proclaim this morning, that there is no engine, no weapon, no demonstration of power or energy that can outperform love. How many of us this week have heard, watched, and read so many amazing stories of love in action in response to the Orlando tragedies? There’ve been stories of kindness, compassion, courage, bravery, sacrifice – stories of God’s love in action through the community of humankind, and yes, even through comfort animals.

Friends, these are not the times for high horses, dark horses, wild horses, hobby or rocking horses. Sin and evil abound in our land, but we believe that Where sin increased,  grace increased even more. (Romans 5:20) In the end, after evil has taken its best shot, after hatred has gone its distance, after insanity has expended all its energy, there remains the everlasting horsepower and the enduring legacy of the love of God – that community-enriching love, that sacrificing love, that stubborn love – channeled into the world through you and through me right where we are, every day that we live. People of God, may we rise to the challenge! AMEN.

1 Accessed June 18, 2016.

Sunday June 5. Rev. Jana Purkis-Brash Lessons from the Toy Box: “Legos – It All Begins with Connecting”

Pastor Jana started the sermon series “Lessons from the Toy Box” using the connection with the popular children’s toy LEGO and its interlocking bricks to illustrate our connectivity to God, to one another and to the world.  She based her text on John 6:26-35.

We can say that the message from today’s scripture is Jesus saying that the people who have a relationship with Him shall never hunger or thirst. They will receive real time bread from Heaven, for example, through hunger as shown in the abundant food given to the hungry multitude or through thirst, as illustrated in the story of the water given to the Samaritan woman at the well.  After Jesus fed 5,000 people with only five loaves of bread and two fishes, the people kept coming back, hungry for more of His teachings – for a relationship with God and with each other. When Jesus told the Samaritan woman that He will give them Living Water and they will never be thirsty again, the people kept coming to see Jesus, the Giver of Living Water.

The people of God have received great gifts, one of them being the gift of connecting with God as well as with brothers and sisters in Christ. The Holy Communion is one such amazing gift.  A real present that we can touch and be nourished by the Bread of Heaven – the bread of life – and the Cup of Salvation. This is an opportunity to align ourselves with God, connect with everything Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. At the Communion Rail, as a family in Christ, we share the Supper side by side with our own family as well as with our extended family at PUMC, connected through Christ as brothers and sisters, shoulder to shoulder.   We come to Jesus’ table hungry and thirsty and open our hearts to God who alone supplies our needs.

Jesus desires to have personal connection and personal relationship with each and everyone of us – from the youngest to the oldest, from someone who has worked with Jesus to someone who has been away from Him for a long time. This is the salvation that only Christ offers. Jesus is the Bread of Life who has come to give life to the church of God, for our relationship with God is the foundation of everything that we do.

The Lego toy and its building bricks can be seen as a great analogy for what it means to build a big church. A Lego creation starts with one single brick to which we keep connecting more and more bricks, one connection at a time. Lego bricks are at their best when we see the whole structure rather than the individual bricks. The higher we can build the better. Yet, Lego bricks don’t form with each other just by chance. They are all different types, yet each individual piece is interconnected with other pieces. Similarly individuals are designed to be interconnected. Our relationship with the Church starts with our connection with Christ and that lays the foundation we can build on, with God above and our brothers and sisters below. As all Lego bricks are compatible with each other, so here at UMC as well within the Church Universal, we have our DNA as christians and part of our connectivity comes from our gift of compatibility.

How compatible are we to connect with each other given that we are all different from each other? God made us to be compatible to be able to fit together and connect, for He said we are all one: “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Legos therefore bring to mind how we connect to God at the top, and to each other at the bottom. True life, abundant life begins with connection, connection with Christ first and foremost, connection with other brothers and sisters, connection with the church at UMC and of course, connection with the world.

Lego is a timeless toy to be created into something new every time.  So also, we as humans have the ability to be created into something new and excited every day. Lego therefore reminds us of our connectivity, new relationship and new life. The question now is, are we willing to connect at the rail? Are we open to be made into a new creation in our minds? Let us therefore find a way in the Church to bring love and hope to those in need and to strengthen relationships with Christ and the world as we connect. We must also take time to give thanks to God for the people we are connected to. As we come for Communion, may each of us use our time with God to discern how we can build on our connectivity with God, each other and the world.

Written by Isabella Dougan

Youth Sunday May 22: Sermon Rebecca Koblin

“God is Leading us toward a Future with Hope”

My life right now seems to be a series of questions. As I answer one 2 more pop up in its place. It all started with college. Where are you going was the question that depaGetAttachment.aspx-3rted from everyone’s lips, asking with muted excitement. Then it was which campus, what’s your major, where are you staying, who is your roommate, which classes are you taking, etc etc. As I look at my life I see a lot of uncertainty. I am not going to lie. I am afraid of the future. What ifs have clouded my mind with doubt and I’m afraid that for a little while I was a seed that fell into the weeds, choked by my own fear of what is to come.

You see when you have spent your entire life in one school where all the questions are answered for you and your comfort was laid in the hands of your parents, your teachers, your friends, you start to think that maybe what’s next, the things that have been left to be decided only by me, are mistakes. So I spent a lot of time worrying that I was choosing the wrong future. I strongly believe that I am still discovering who I really am so how am I supposed to choose the next four years which will affect the next ten years and so on of my life when I don’t even really know who I want to be. You can see why I might have been afraid.

But then I realized… God makes no mistakes. And so as I plan my life I can be certain that even if I don’t have a clue what I am doing, he does. You see God has a plan when I don’t, God has everything I need. He has taught me about loyalty, hope, endless love, how to be a good friend, how to survive pain and heartbreak and disappointment and he will teach me many things in the future. So as I look towards my future I now think about all the things god has in store for me, all the lessons he’s going to teach me, and I know that with every lesson, new obstacle, and amazing moment that god has in store, I will become the person that God always planned for me to be, because he knows me inside and out and I can trust that he will never disappoint.

Change is scary because it is unknown. I am excited for my future, for what life has to offer me, but I don’t want to let go of the things that the past has given me, my friends, my teachers, who I am now. I realized though that all of those things are what has created the person I am now. My family, my friends, my experiences in this very church have taught me more lessons than I ever expected to learn. I’ve grown here, sprouting up like the seeds in the story, but this is just the beginning of my growth. As I continue on in my life going to college and finding a job, making new friends, I will continue the journey that god has planned for me, growing with a flourish, and producing an amazing harvest.

So I want to thank you all for being a part of my journey. I won’t forget what I have learned here.


Sustaining — Renewing — God’s World

IMGP0897engel with eagle
Rick Engel (left) and Michael Catania (executive director of Duke Farms) pose with an eagle replica in front of the live eaglecam showing the adorable nestlings at Duke Farm. Now that New Jersey’s chemically polluted sites are being cleaned up, the bald eagle population has grown exponentially.  Photo and blog post by Barbara Fox. 

Today more than a dozen PUMC members explored Duke Farms, the 2,000 acre property with 18 miles of trails that are open to the public. Michael Catania — an environmental lawyer who has had a long association with PUMC member Rick Engel, also an environmental lawyer — described how the property transitioned from the private estate of the late Doris Duke into a thriving, free-to-the- public environmental center that focuses on sustainability.

Here is a link to some of the photos from the excursion  that was organized by the Membership Committee. (More are welcome!)

Visible traces of Doris Duke are gone. Many of her possessions were auctioned off (link to some photos)  But the brilliance of her father’s hydroelectric and landscaping plan endures. James Buchanan Duke, a tobacco mogul, had hired hundreds of men to excavate nine lakes, construct 45 buildings, and build more than two miles of stone walls. Here is the timeline, 

Now, with a $10 million annual budget from the foundation, Duke Farms supports numerous research projects and serves as an education center for visitors to learn about  sustainability practices on both a large and small scale.

One of the most endearing research projects is an extensive study of bald eagles. Here is the link to an eaglecam; you can see the nestlings 4 x 7  and watching is addictive!

That eagles flourish makes us appreciate this passage in Isaiah all the more.  If “sustainable land-use practices” help us to be good stewards of God’s world, a “sustainable prayer life” nurtures our spirits.

they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;
    they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
    they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 

— by Barbara Fox

Outreach Initiatives

In an effort to foster new and innovative ministries, the Outreach Committee is announcing PUMC
Outreach Initiatives Program to:
1. Expand the depth and reach of outreach ministries at PUMC.
2. Engage more of our congregation in ministries of justice and mercy.

The Outreach Committee will support Initiative Teams implementing outreach ministries through funding and/or coaching.
This is a one or two year grant program. Consideration for funding of year two will depend on implementation, goal achievement, active participation of all parties and availability of funds. The ministries qualifying for this support will:
1. Target a need or community not currently addressed through Outreach ministries at PUMC
2. Engage a new or existing group (ex. Committee, Small Group, Sunday School Class) of the PUMC church family who will develop and implement a ministry of justice and mercy
3. Engage and empower members of the targeted community through active participation in the execution of the ministry
A written application and interview with Outreach Committee will inform the awarding of Initiatives grants. Grants will not exceed $1,000. Outreach will work with Initiative Teams to secure additional funding should budgets exceed this amount.
Upon granting of funds, an Outreach Committee member will be assigned to the Initiative Team as a resource for the Initiative Team. An accountability/progress report will be completed jointly during the grant year (assigned committee member and Initiative Team). A report to the Outreach Committee on the effect, level of participation and future of the new ministry will be prepared at the end of the first grant year for purposes of assessment and extension/revision of the ministry.
Key Dates
Notification of Interest: Interested teams are invited to send a general notification of interest by April 15, 2016. The notification should include a brief description of your team’s planned initiative.
Deadline for applications: Completed applications are due May 15, 2016.
Selection of Grantees: The Outreach Committee will announce grantees on June 30, 2016.
For more information, or to express interest in applying for PUMC Outreach Initiatives, contact LaVerna Albury, Chair of Outreach
Announcing: PUMC Outreach Initiatives Program
In an effort to foster new and innovative ministries, the Outreach Committee is announcing PUMC
Outreach Initiatives Program to:
1. Expand the depth and reach of outreach ministries at PUMC.
2. Engage more of our congregation in ministries of justice and mercy.

Be Prepared! Scout Sunday April 10

We’re looking forward to Sunday, April 10 –At both services, we observe “Scout Sunday.” Adults — wear your pin, or sash, hat, or scarf. Boys and girls — now’s your chance to wear your uniform! We will celdougebrate Scouting Ministries, and present a special award to our own Doug Fullman. He will be awarded the God and Service Award.Silver Beaver  silver antelopeDoug has also received two other prestigious awards, the Silver Beaver awarP1070652 fullman and kidsd and the Silver Antelope award. 
Rev. Jana will preach on How does God transform our lives? How has God transformed your life? – The Youth Choir  sings at the 9:30 service. “Be Prepared!”
On April 10, Boy Scout Sunday, Doug Fullman was honored
On April 10, Boy Scout Sunday, Doug Fullman was honored
with the help of Girl Scouts in the congregation
with the help of  Scouts in the congregation
with the God and Servicel award
with the God and Service award

On the road to Jerusalem — for all ages

2016 3 palms 1a P1010850 mccartin blurred goodAs Palm Sunday and Easter approach, here are some family friendly suggestions for how to teach your children about Jesus’ path in Holy Week. The ‘Resurrection cookies” and the “Empty Tomb” biscuits look interesting. They both involve marshmellows that melt.

For adults and teens, here is a “Lent Quiz.”  For instance, one question asks whether, at the Last Supper, the disciples would have been standing, sitting, kneeling, or reclining. Click here for the answer. 

We look forward to beautiful music during Holy Week. The Children’s Choir will sing on Palm Sunday at 9:30 and the Bell Choir plays both services. The Youth Choir sings for Maundy Thursday Communion on Easter. Good Friday brings the Michael Haydn Requiem. And for Easter Sunday — Hallelujahs!