In his sermon on the Fifth Sunday of Lent, Rev. Skitch Matson recounted Jacob and Esau’s story and the broken relationship between those two brothers. He reminded us that their reconciliation was twenty years apart, telling us, “God feels our pain, hears our cries and wants to give us peace.” He also told us that those burning with anger should know that they are not alone, stating that Jesus too was burned with anger and flipped tables at the injustice in his time. “For true healing to occur, there needs to be a change of heart for all parties,” Pastor Skitch added. He recalled that the church, the community of Christ on earth, is a community of broken people and the community seeking healing for the broken.
At Princeton United Methodist Church, we can learn to overcome our brokenness by being part of this beloved community. Click here to watch the PUMC worship service and listen to Pastor Skitch’s sermon.
Written by Isabella Dougan