9:30 a.m. ONE WORSHIP SERVICE, “It’s Cool in the Furnace” musical
10:30 -11 a.m. Coffee hour, Appalachia Service Project serving
10:30 to 11 a.m. Silent Auction for Appalachia Service Project
11:15-11:45 Lunch for those staying for Communiversity and musical
Noon to 6: On the lawn, Appalachia Service Project bake sale, PUMC “Prize Wheel,” Woman Cradle of Abundance’s photo op bird, Womanspace table, Boy Scout tent
Noon to 6: In the Sanford Davis room, Oasis hosts welcome visitors to restrooms, tables for seating with ice water and coffee
1 p.m. Bell Choir on the lawn
2 to 2:30 p.m. “It’s Cool in the Furnace” in the sanctuary (cast at 1:15)
3 to 6 p.m. Toddler area in the Sanford Davis Room sponsored by Conquer Paralysis Now
I want to help PUMC make community friends at Communiversity: Comment on Facebook or email growth@princetonumc.org
Donate for ASP bake sale (individually wrapped, no nuts) _________ or https://www.volunteerspot.com/login/entry/366675246068
Help set up lunch 11-11:15 __________________________
Help clean up lunch11:45-noon ___Lorie and choir mothers________________
Bring chips, washed grapes, or washed strawberries _____
Bring makings for P&J sandwiches ____choir mothers_________________
Order and pick up deli tray of meats/cheeses/bread for 40 _________
Help drive “Shuttle” to and from Jana’s house_________________
Welcome visitors from lawn___________________________________
Welcome visitors in Sanford Davis Room__need 3 to 6 p.m.__________________
Be a docent for stained glass window tours ______________________
Supervise middle-schoolers on our Prize Wheel___have one, need two _______
Donate items for Silent Auction or Prize Wheel __________________
Donate a gift card for the Prize Wheel
Help clean up Sanford Davis Room 5:30-6:30 __________________
Another idea? __________________________________________
help for parking mid-afternoon is available !