‘Aging with Grace’ at Suppers on June 9

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Dorothy Mullen and John Vaccaro at the UMM breakfast in January

When Suppers Program founder Dorothy Mullen spoke at the January UMM breakfast, she inspired Anna Looney to enlist some PUMC volunteers to “cook, taste, and feel our way to vibrant health,” as Mullen would say.

Ten people gathered in the Fellowship Hall kitchen for the inaugural PUMC Suppers small group on May 12. The overall theme of this new small group is ‘Aging with Grace’ and entails people learning together how to prepare non-processed foods in ways that promote healthy aging. The activities included preparing wholesome, whole foods together, then enjoying the meal around a ‘family table.’

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Anna Looney facilitates the first small group “Aging with Grace” in May.

The menu, set in advance, included delicious Turkey Gallimaufry, Lentil Stew (vegan), a large green salad with Herb Garlic dressings and Carson Seed crackers. The conversation focused on understanding the concepts of biological individuality, self-care and good health. The attendees discussed what foods work well for sustaining them while providing wholesome energy and blood sugar stability.

If you’re interested in learning more about Suppers or being on the email list, please contact Anna through office@princetonumc.org.

The second gathering will be on Thursday, June 9 at 6 p.m. Those who attend will cook part of the meal in PUMC’s kitchen. The cost is $15 and all are invited; RSVP to Anna Looney. Following on the first table topic, biological individuality, the second event will focus on how we feel when we eat certain foods. The menu will include:

  • Griggstown Organic Chicken Sausage
  • Beet & Quinoa Salad
  • Fresh Garden Salad with Baby Bok Choy
  • Carson’s Seed Crackers
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Betsy Arnold helps prepare the meal for the “Aging with Grace’ small group

Suppers is a non-profit Princeton-based program that promotes non-judgmental support for healthy eating with like-minded people who enjoy delicious food as close to nature as possible. No membership fee is required; the only cost is sharing the expenses of the wholesome ingredients. It’s a wonderful mission to which PUMC’s new Kitchen and Fellowship can contribute. All are welcome!


Eat Right, Feel Better: Breakfast on January 10

Dorothy Mullen
Dorothy Mullen

Changing your diet can turn your life around says Dorothy Mullen, founder of The Suppers Program. She will speak at the January 10 breakfast sponsored by the United Methodist Men on Sunday, January 10 on “How You Feel is Data! An experiential workshop on brain health and food.”

Dorothy founded the Suppers network of nearly free-to-users programs — where people cook, eat, and develop a palate for the kind of food that can often turn around chronic health problems. Suppers hosts 30 – 40 events per month and serves people with diabetes, autoimmune diseases and addictions as well as those who simply want to learn to prepare delicious fresh food from scratch. The program has no bias of its own about which whole food eating style is healthiest, and members are taught to do their own experiments to discern which way of eating benefits them the most.

Dorothy has a master’s degree in addictions counseling from the College of New Jersey and uses addiction models to help people turn around entrenched eating behaviors that have placed them at risk for chronic disease. She is also a garden educator, having created garden based-education programs for the Princeton Public Schools for 13 years.

Enjoy a hot and tasty breakfast at 8 a.m., and the program starts at 8:30. A $5 donation is requested.