The play’s the thing! And on June 26 it’s called “Peter the Impetuous.”
This summer, back by popular demand,  children ages Pre-K through 3rd grade will be able to enjoy Bible story plays put on by our older students. The younger children will begin Sunday mornings in worship and after the children’s time will be dismissed to enjoy a performance by our older students. If you are in 4th grade and up and are interested in acting in these plays, come to Room 204/205 at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings before the 10 AM worship service.
Thanks to Richard Gordon, Playwright, and to Andrew Hayes and Ian Griffiths, in the Director’s Chair.
On July 3, hear and see “The Further Adventures of David.” On July 10, families will attend the ASP service. Next up — “The 40th Lash” on July 17 and “Adam and Eve” on July 24.
Children in Pre-K through 3rd grade — and older children who aren’t thespians that day — are invited to go to Room 204 after the Children’s Sermon to watch the play and have refreshments, apple juice and vanilla wafers. (Parents please pick up your young child after church. Fourth graders and up may join you in the Sanford Davis Room for coffee hour.)