This quote would be powerful because it’s a rallying call from Rev. Jenny Smith Walz to the church’s inclusivity. Here, she encourages us to love others as ourselves, particularly those who live in poverty. “Who do you prefer to worship with?” asks Pastor Jenny, adding, “Who do we struggle to worship with?” She is asking us to put our love and faith into action. Indeed, the world would be a better place if we were all kind to one another. “Do our beliefs and actions match up?” Rev. Walz preaching at PUMC on the Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost based her sermon on Scripture from James 2: 1-17
“Who do we as a church seek to welcome and embrace within our Christian fellowship?” Pastor Jenny inquires. She explains, “As a church, we must seek to welcome and embrace everyone, without partiality, within our Christian fellowship. As Christians, let us do things that bring a different social order in this world.” Her quote impacts me personally because I see everyone coming to worship while sitting at the back of the church.
Princeton United Methodist Church welcomes everyone. Join us for worship on Sundays as we share the good news of God’s love revealed through Jesus Christ. To watch our worship service on Facebook and Rev. Jenny Smith Walz preaching, click here.
Written by Isabella Dougan