These volunteer opportunities refer to organizations on PUMC’s outreach web page — or speakers at a United Methodist Men’s breakfast within the past two years. Each has current volunteer opportunities. The PrincetonUMC blog has live links to the web pages.
Boy Scouts of the USA.
CASA: Court Appointed Special Advocates: trained volunteers represent children at court.
Contact of Mercer County: compassionate listening, crisis intervention and safety services.
Cornerstone Community Kitchen: meal prep & cleanup, scheduling, sorting clothing.
Crisis Ministry: food pantry, assistance with rent, utilities, medicines: cooking demonstration assistant, and pantry intake helpers.
A Future with Hope: rebuilding homes and lives after Hurricane Sandy: weeklong construction projects, or donate, or sell tickets to the Thunder game June 9th.
HomeFront : helping homeless families: tutors, computer tech, clerical
Housing Initiatives of Princeton : paint, probono services, advocate for affordable housing.
The HUB: drop-in Saturdays for those with unique challenges: friendly helpers.
Isles: garden docents, organizing IT equipment, event photographer, special projects
Mercer Street Friends: teach computer skills, write tech support or FAQ documents, collect and refurbish computers, one-time parenting workshops like scrapbooking, resume building.
Not in Our Town: an interracial, interfaith social action group, programs vs prejudice.
Princeton Community Housing: affordable rental housing. need PUMC representative.
Princeton Healthcare System: reception, visiting, retail.
Princeton Human Services: help with events like the Wheels Rodeo.
Princeton Senior Resource Center: Visit shut-ins, read to children, assist in office.
Threads of Hope: once monthly Saturdays — sort clothing, offer hospitality
Trenton Area Soup Kitchen: tutor, serve meals on 4th Tuesdays,
Salvation Army of NJ: teach brass instrument, event photographs, registration, teaching.
Urban Promise Trenton: afterschool and camp programs: tutoring, teaching.
Volunteer Connect: nonprofit for skills-based volunteer jobs
Womanspace: residential emergency shelter program for battered women and their children: tutors, Spanish translators, collecting newspaper stories for grant applications.