On the Tenth Sunday After Pentecost and Communion Sunday, Rev. Jenny Smith Walz preached on ‘Shalom.’  This ‘Shalom’ quote from the pastor resonates with us all.  The Hebrew word “Shalom’ means peace. It’s also about completeness, wholeness, welfare, safety, prosperity, rest, harmony, fullness. Rev. Walz said, “God has put everything in place that we need. Yet, we are unable to trust God’s providence for us.” We continue to ask ourselves if God will take care of our needs.  “So it becomes easy for us to shift our trust, loyalty, and attention to things that are not of God,” she added. 

Pastor Jenny based her sermon on Scripture from Luke 12:22-34.  Here, Jesus tells us not to worry or be anxious about anything. We should trust God to provide for our basic needs. At the same time, we must be generous to others. We must note, however, that Jesus is not advocating that people should be idle or not work. 

Click here to watch Rev. Jenny Smith Walz preach about Shalom. She invites you to offer yourself to be a part of our Jubilee community and help us become a Jubilee community more fully.  

Written by Isabella Dougan