It’s vacation time!Join us for worship on Sundays at 10 a.m. for our Vacation Tweets sermon series. These phrases, such as “are we there yet” and “this is the life” are so universal. We’re looking forward to how our pastors relate them to our growing as disciples of Christ. If you have a Twitter account, feel free to use the hashtags! (Hint: our Twitter handle is @PrincetonUMC)
June 26: #didweforgetanything Donald Brash
July 3: #imtooexcitedtosleep Jana Purkis-Brash
July 10: #arewethereyet ASP Team
July 17: #thisisthelife Catherine Williams
July 24: #itsraining Jana Purkis-Brash
July 31: #idontwanttogoback Jana Purkis-Brash
Come early to join in the hymn sing (9:45). A nursery is available and children will enjoy the Summer Sundays: Fun Plays program. Everyone is welcome and, yes, the church is air-conditioned!