“Waking Up White,” a book by Debby Irving, will be the focus for a series of free events arranged by Not in Our Town (NIOT) Princeton starting on March 22.
Irving will share her adventure of going from “well meaning” to “well doing” on Monday, April 18, at 4 p.m. at the Princeton Public Library and at 7 p.m. at the Hun School, 176 Edgerstoune Road.
Facilitators from NIOT will hold conversations about the book on consecutive Tuesdays (March 22, 29, and April 5) at 7 p.m. at the Princeton Municipal Building, 400 Witherspoon Street. Two copies of the book are available in the library (they have not yet been officially added, just leave a note if you take one) and are also available from the Princeton Public Library and Labyrinth Bookstore. www.NIOTPrinceton.org.