For Women in the Congo: October 1 and 9


In this disturbing time of unrest in the Democratic Republic of Congo, woman leaders who empower women in the Congo are visiting Princeton. Princeton United Methodist Church traditionally supports two charities based in the Congo, the United Front Against Riverblindness, founded by our own Daniel Shungu, and Woman, Cradle of Abundance.  a non-profit organization that empowers women in the Congo, founded by Professor Elsie McKee of Witherspoon Presbyterian Church and Princeton Theological Seminary.


So we are especially glad to welcome two leaders of Woman, Cradle of Abundance on their visit to the United States this fall. Their visit begins with “Pour Femme,” an all-French concert performed by local singers and pianists on Saturday, October 1, 2 p.m. in Miller Chapel at Princeton Theological Seminary. Tickets at the door or online are $35 for adults and $15 for students. Free offstreet parking is available across Mercer Street (in the library lot) and an anonymous donor will match each donation up to $2,500.

At Princeton United Methodist Church, we have a special welcome for Maman Monique, who will speak at a PUMC breakfast on Sunday, October 9, at 8 a.m. She will be accompanied by Maman Antoinette.


The United Methodist Men serve up a hearty meal, and everyone is welcome. A $5 donation is requested.

Other speaking dates: Sunday, October 2, at 10 a.m. at Witherspoon Presbyterian Church, followed by conversation with church members after worship. Wednesday, Oct. 5, 7 p.m. at Haddonfield Friends’ Meeting, Haddonfield, NJFriday, October 7,  noon, Princeton Theological Seminary, Main Lounge of Mackay Campus Center, sponsored by the Center for Theology, Women and Gender.Sunday, Oct. 16, noon, Nassau Presbyterian Church, Princeton

Vive les femmes!






Help at our Communiversity Oasis! 4/17/16

2016 4 P1020822 bell choir and street

9:30 a.m. ONE WORSHIP SERVICE, “It’s Cool in the Furnace” musical

10:30 -11 a.m. Coffee hour, Appalachia Service Project serving

10:30 to 11 a.m. Silent Auction for Appalachia Service Project

11:15-11:45 Lunch for those staying for Communiversity and musical

Noon to 6: On the lawn, Appalachia Service Project bake sale, PUMC “Prize Wheel,”  Woman Cradle of Abundance’s photo op bird, Womanspace table, Boy Scout tent

Noon to 6: In the Sanford Davis room, Oasis hosts welcome visitors to restrooms, tables for seating with ice water and coffee

1 p.m. Bell Choir on the lawn

2 to 2:30 p.m. “It’s Cool in the Furnace” in the sanctuary (cast at 1:15)

3 to 6 p.m. Toddler area in the Sanford Davis Room sponsored by Conquer Paralysis Now

I want to help PUMC make community friends at Communiversity: Comment on Facebook or email

Donate for ASP bake sale (individually wrapped, no nuts) _________ or

Help set up lunch 11-11:15 __________________________

Help clean up lunch11:45-noon ___Lorie and choir mothers________________

Bring chips, washed grapes, or washed strawberries _____

Bring makings for P&J sandwiches ____choir mothers_________________

Order and pick up deli tray of meats/cheeses/bread for 40 _________

Help drive “Shuttle” to and from Jana’s house_________________

Welcome visitors from lawn___________________________________

Welcome visitors in Sanford Davis Room__need 3 to 6 p.m.__________________

Be a docent for stained glass window tours ______________________

Supervise middle-schoolers on our Prize Wheel___have one, need two _______

Donate items for Silent Auction or Prize Wheel __________________

Donate a gift card for the Prize Wheel

Help clean up Sanford Davis Room 5:30-6:30 __________________

Another idea? __________________________________________


help for parking mid-afternoon is available !