Everyone is invited to attend the charge conference, the annual meeting led by our District Superintendant, Rev. Hector Burgos. It will be a zoom meeting on Tuesday, October 20, at 7 p.m.
As we look back at the past year and look ahead to 2021, we will set clergy salaries and elect officers from among the lay members of our congregation. We take a look at changes in the membership rolls.
An exciting part of this meeting is to recognize and endorse three candidates that are beginning the ordination process: Pearl Quick, our intern for the past two years, and this year’s interns, Tayler Necoechea and Hyelim Yoon,
In every other year, church members were accustomed to signing the attendance sheet at this meeting so their votes could be counted. This year, because the meeting is by Zoom, the bishop’s office has decided that only Church Council members and retired clergy will get a vote. Nevertheless, ALL ARE WELCOME, The zoom link will be available on this website under “News and Events” and then click on Church Calendar. It will also be sent in an email. Come and find out what’s going on in your church.