On almost every Friday this spring, we welcome cooking classes to our kitchen. Princeton Adult School held two classes in February, and a mouth-watering array of menues will be prepare by five different cooks. Prices range from $60 for one class to $130 or $170 for three classes — and of course you get to taste what you cook. Go to the “Get Exploring” section of www.princetonadultschool.org/
Greek Pastries and Savories, taught by Iphigenia Yiacas, March 10, 17, April 28
Cook Like a French Chef, taught by Virginie Cartier, March 31, April 7, April 21
Gefilte Fish Without Guilt, taught by Ellen Goldblatt, March 24
Vegetarian Cooking with Whole Earth, with Melissa Printon, May 5.
Bibim Bop, taught by Inkyung (Anna) Yi, May 12
As the saying goes, “Nothing says lovin’ like somethin’ from the oven.”