Parker Palmer: Creating spaces for the self to show up

“In this culture, we know how to create spaces that invite the intellect to show up, to argue its case, to make its point. We know how to create spaces that invite the emotions to show up, to express anger or joy. We know how to create spaces that invite the will to show up, to consolidate effort and energy around a common task. And we surely know how to create spaces that invite the ego to show up, preening itself and claiming its turf! But we sem to know very little about creating spaces that invite the soul to show up, this core of ourselves, our selfhood.,” Parker Palmer

Pastor Jenny Smith Walz quotes Parker Palmer today, February 7, 2021. For those of us (including the communications team member making this post) who are new to Parker’s work, here are some introductory links:

Parker Palmer’s Thirteen Ways  of Looking at Community 

The Six Pillars of the Wholehearted Life, as reported in Brain Pickings