In her sermon on Palm Sunday, Rev. Jenny Smith Walz stated that the Cross is the worst kind of punishment, painful and shameful. Offensive and shocking are what humans do to expose the reality of who we are, especially the authorities who wanted to “destroy this man, Jesus, who forgives us even when we don’t want to be forgiven.” Shocking as it is, the Cross shows that God will go to incredible lengths to save us and bring us back into God’s love. “The resurrection tells us that we can trust God’s love that we hear on the Cross,” she said. Jesus came into this world because of all the love God has for us.
Pastor Jenny made us a proposal, saying,“Let the Cross speak true to you this Holy Week,” adding, “The Cross is how God repairs the brokenness of this world.” Thank God for so much love and forgiveness!
At Princeton United Methodist Church, you can experience God’s love in real-time while being part of this beloved community. Click here to watch the PUMC worship service and listen to the sermon.
Written by Isabella Dougan