Phoebe Quaynor, our Director of Children’s Ministries, has been with us for about three years and is leaving Princeton UMC at the end of this month to pursue a Ph.D. at Penn State University. Phoebe has been a blessing to our Children’s Ministries, Sunday School,  our teachers, and most of all, our children. On Monday, June 10, 2019, Staff Parish Relations Committee organized a dinner for Phoebe at Amalfi’s Restaurant in Lawrenceville. Phoebe enjoyed the camaraderie, and everyone had a wonderful time on that rainy Monday evening. Pastor Ginny praised Phoebe for her remarkable energy and all that she achieved at Princeton UMC.








During worship in church on Sunday, June 16, Pastor Jenny acknowledged Phoebe, who was standing together with the children, and presented her with the gift of a prayer shawl. The congregation offered their prayers and blessings. At the special Coffee Hour held on Sunday to celebrate Phoebe, Pastor Skitch thanked her for her leadership as Director of Children’s Ministries.








Princeton UMC has also recently said farewell to other active members who have served our church family faithfully and have just recently left our congregation for a new home.

Richard and Cindy Gordon relocating to Maryland.







   Bernard and Karin Brouwer moved to Florida


They have all in diverse ways greatly contributed to Princeton UMC. Though we are sad to see them leave our church, yet we are happy for them to continue on their life’s journey.  Our prayers go with them as they pursue their different paths. The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” (Psalm 32:8)

Written by Isabella Dougan