Cornerstone Kitchen on Christmas Eve

CCK servers Klass who and Lee IMG_0304Cornerstone Community Kitchen celebrates its third Christmas, its first in the new Fellowship Hall. We serve every Wednesday, no matter what ! But on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve the meal will be 1 to 2:30 p.m. (instead of the normal 5 to 6:30 p.m.

Today Cornerstone Community Kitchen was featured in an excellent article, “Princeton UMC Takes Lead as Community Kitchen Host,” in The Relay, the newspaper for the United Methodist Church of Greater New Jersey Conference. Click here to see the article. 

The Relay used the photo above, showing (from left) PUMC member Joan Klass, community volunteer  Jeanne McGann, and PUMC member George Lee.

The CCK team for second Wednesdays could use another volunteer! Email for information.