Did you know that the Princeton United Methodist Church has embraced social media? You can like us on Facebook, download our very own app or podcast from iTunes, listen to us on Sermon.net, follow us on Twitter, and read us here on WordPress.
This makes it easier for you to stay connected no matter where you are. You just need to have cell phone service or wi-fi.
The social media sites are accessible from all smart phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops. The iPhone App is only compatible with iOS (Apple) devices, including the iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad.
For those of you with an account, please like us on Facebook. We’ll be posting info and photos. We also give you the opportunity to post photos, and share info, events, and make comments.
Go there for the PUMC Mobile Chimes app, AND the Princeton United Methodist Church podcasts (audio files). The Chimes app is one stop shopping, providing FB updates, Twitter feeds, sermon podcasts, and photos, but doesn’t allow you to make Facebook comments, or send tweets. There are also no blog updates (yet). The podcasts can be downloaded to a Mac or PC, and optionally synced to your iOS device, to be listened to any time.
Sermon.net allows you to listen to podcasts of previous sermons. This is perfect for those out of town, or sick and have missed a Sunday service, or for those incapable of attending. Search for Princeton United Methodist Church to hear podcasts as far back as October 2010.
Are you part of the Twitterverse? What’s your handle? Follow us @PrincetonUMC, and we’ll follow you back. We’d love for you to reply to or retweet us. We like engaging with our Twitter followers.
Princeton United Methodist Church has this new blog you’re reading. We’ll share things about us, relevant news in Princeton and beyond. Please subscribe via email (top right) to get notified about the latest blog posts. We encourage you to make comments here as well, and we’ll reply.