Two adult classes are offered on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. Both welcome ‘drop ins’ at any time.

The Heart of our Faith class is studying the book of James. says Don Brash, Theologian in Residence at PUMC. New this year — Don will be joined by Bill Arnold as co-leader of the class, known for its lively discussions from divergent points of view.
Meeting in the library, the Contemporary Issues class is reading a book of essays, The Givenness of Things, by Marilynne Robinson, who won the Pulitzer for her novel Gilead. According to the publisher, the book “investigates how the work of the great thinkers of the past, Calvin, Locke, Bonhoeffer–and Shakespeare–can infuse our lives, and calls attention to the rise of the self-declared elite in American religious and political life.” For the New York Times review, click here.
Other study groups that welcome drop ins: The United Methodist Men on Tuesday nights, the Monday Morning Group on Monday mornings.