Farewell to Phoebe Quaynor, Director of Children’s Ministries at Princeton UMC

Congratulations to Phoebe Quaynor, who has been accepted at  Penn State University to pursue a Ph.D. program in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Postcolonial Children’s Literacy. She says, “her doctoral program would allow her to present and produce literature as a tool in restoring identity and dignity in places where there has been none, or there has been a deformation.”  

Phoebe has been Director Of Children’s Ministries here in Princeton UMC and will be leaving at the end of June. She has been such a blessing to our Children’s Ministries, Sunday School, our teachers and, most of all, our children.  She believes that any classroom is a site for transformation, not just for giving information, while adding, “My prayer is that parents and volunteer Sunday School teachers know that what they do each day, though not celebrated enough, is a response to God’s call to accompany a child on their spiritual journey.”  

Phoebe has also served as a seminary intern, confirmation instructor, worship leader, and guest preacher. She received her Master’s Degree in Divinity and Master of Arts in Christian Education from Princeton Theological Seminary.

We express our sincerest gratitude to her for the valuable skills and positive qualities she brought to Princeton UMC.

As we say farewell to Phoebe, we are proud that she has decided to pursue further postgraduate study. We wish her continued success throughout this new journey.

There will be a Special Coffee Hour to thank and celebrate Phoebe Quaynor on Sunday, June 16, 2019, immediately following Worship.

Written by Isabella Dougan  

Sermon: Passing on a Legacy of Faith

“Passing on a Legacy of Faith,” sermon by Phoebe Lorraine Quaynor, Princeton United Methodist Church on Sunday, June 11, 2017 (Recognition Sunday) based on Exodus 3:1-6, and 9-10.

Today as a church family we celebrate all things education! We celebrate the passing down of truth from one generation to the other. We celebrate the custodians of this truth in our community. Whether science, theology or philosophy or math…it is TRUTH and graduation means somebody passed a body of knowledge  down to another. I stand here as one who has received much TRUTH and GRACE from this church family.

To continue, link here


Adult Ed Choices — which is for you?


Adults have lots of education opportunities this fall. Two classes meet on Sunday mornings at 9:30. The Contemporary Issues class, in the Library, will study the Historical Figure of Jesus by EP Sanders. top right from those pictured above. This informal class focuses on issues that individuals, families, groups, and countries face in today’s world. Past topics have included changing attitudes towards religion, understanding major world religions, science and faith, and politics and religion.

The Heart of Our Faith class meets in Fellowship Hall at 9:30 on Sundays. Rev. Don Brash, PUMC’s resident theologian, will lead the study of the Epistle to the Hebrews.Hebrews is richly textured with beliefs and ideas,” says Don. “It contributed to Christian thinking about faith, worship, transcendence, ministry, the church, and more.” 

Phoebe Quaynor leads an in-depth 32-week Disciple Bible Study on Wednesdays at 6 p.m. This year’s book in the valuable series, Remember Who You Are,  focuses on such themes as the call to remember, the call to repentance, the need for renewed vision, and the place of community. It includes the major and minor Old Testament prophets (except for Daniel) plus the 13 years traditionally attributed to Paul. For a sample chapter click here.

Informal study groups meet Monday mornings, Tuesday evenings, and Thursday afternoons. To join the Disciple study, contact phoebe@princetonumc.org. All the other groups welcome drop-in visitors, so just drop by!


“Dying to Live,” Phoebe Quaynor, February 1

“Dying to Live: dangerous and uncomfortable paths to the pursuit of truth” is the sermon topic for Communion Sunday, February 1, at the 9:30 and 11 a.m. services at Princeton United Methodist Church (PUMC). Seminary intern Phoebe Quaynor will tell about some of the people who have lit the path of freedom and the prices they had to pay.

Phoebe-QuaynorOriginally native to Ghana, West Africa, Phoebe lived in Paterson, NJ until seminary education brought her to Princeton. Personally devoted to the contemplative arts, creativity and spirituality, she feels called vocationally to the ministry of Christian Education and is currently co-teaching the Confirmation class.

Also in the observance of Black History Month, Not in Our Town hosts a discussion on perceptions of black history. Set for Monday, February 2, at 7 p.m. on the third floor of Princeton Public Library, it is part of the Continuing Conversations on Race series, a safe place to talk about difficult questions. PUMC supports Not in Our Town. Everyone is welcome.