In her sermon on the last Sunday of Easter, PUMC Intern Tayler Necoechea preached on the Scripture as recorded in Psalm 93. “We know that the sea is mighty and great and beautiful, but God is more majestic than the sea,” she said. Tayler encouraged us to try to understand the glory of the Lord and to sing and yell to exclaim God’s majesty. Scripture tells us that “Majesty and terribly loud noise go hand in hand.” We make a loud noise when we seek reconciliation and strive for justice and truth and love in our world. It shows that God is near. She reminded us that God is a force for justice and love, and our hope is in the truth that this servant king is good yesterday, today, and tomorrow. “Will you allow the Holy Spirit to lead you to advocate and care for your neighbor?” Tayler asked.
You, too, can experience God’s love, justice, and truth. Remember, Jesus’ love for you is mightier than the waves of the sea. Come worship with us at Princeton United Methodist Church, and be a part of this beloved community. CLICK HERE to watch the PUMC worship service and listen to Tayler’s sermon.
Written by Isabella Dougan