Bagpipes and Colorful Dress: World Communion

Chip Swartz, bagpiper and PUMC member, with Rev. Jana Purkis Brash, celebrating World Communion Sunday.

PUMC truly is a diverse community, and this is never more evident than on World Communion Sunday.  As has become tradition, members are invited to to attend these services wearing the native dress of their countries of origin, transforming our Sanctuary into a colorful quilt of textures, designs and styles.  For several years our Communion table dismissals have been given by church members in a variety of languages, Korean, Spanish and Swahili, among others. This year, members were also invited to come to the altar area during the singing of hymns, and place a sticker on their country of origin on a large world map.  What a blessing it is to be part of such a diverse church family! Lori Pantaleo

All ages sang rousingly, directed here by Hyosang Park. See the PrincetonUMC Facebook page for videos!






Jana Purkis-Brash celebrating World Communion Sunday with, among others, Theresa Cann, Ina Early, Isabella Dougan, Catherine Williams, Christine Shungu


Susan and Vasanth Victor celebrating World Communion Sunday.
Reggie and Theresa Cann: Reggie did the projection


Scot with tartan tie: John Macdonald supervised the AV system
Scot with tartan scarf: Iona Harding, who, along with Lula Crawford, offered international food for coffee hour.
Everyone, including each child, could put a sticker ‘heart’ on their native country or the country ‘close to their heart’
Meanwhile, in Sunday School, everyone was learning about Abraham and Sarah, here the smallest children glimpsed the story told by Marie Griffiths and Mae Potts
Kindergartners learned that story, and Christine Wong and Christine Shungu taught the delightful song -“God is so good — to you and me.” Just right for World Communion Sunday!
Nora and Daddy