END Racism Prayer Resources

As a church, we are compiling “end racism” resources. Have you found a book, an article, or a video helpful? Please send it to Office@PrincetonUMC.org and we’ll try to include it here as soon as we can.

B  Articles and blog posts
C.  Films, Videos and TV shows
D. Speeches and Courses 

A three-session racial literacy program by Ruha Benjamin, sponsored by Not in Our Town Princeton.

E.  Songs; Poems

A. Songs

‘In the Ghetto’ by Elvis Presley

‘Dear Mama’ by Tupak

B. Poems by Maya Angelou; others

“Give me liberty or give me death …”

 F. United Methodist Church resources

Princeton UMC’s Guide for five day prayer vigil to end racism

  • Self directed courses on Implicit Bias, Antiracism 101, and First Steps for White Christians These are resources from the United Methodist General Commission on Religion and Race
  • F. Organizations 

    Resources studying systemic bias compiled by Not in Our Town Princeton.