Machaela Irving, director of Christian Education, offers this information about our Safe Sanctuary policy.
Safe Sanctuaries is an overt expression in making congregations safe places where children, youth, and elders may experience the abiding love of God and fellowship within the community of faith.
Sunday, October 23 is “Safety Sunday,” so everyone should bring their jacket or sweater to class. At 10:18 a.m. all classes will evacuate the building and gather along the western wall of CVS. A monitor will block traffic from entering that section of the parking lot during our drill. We will return to our classrooms for ‘pickup’ after the worship service.
Also on Sunday, October 23, teachers will have a Background Check Breakfast immediately following Sunday School in the church office. For those who can’t attend, here is the link
All of these things have divine purpose, so thanks to teahcers and staff for taking the time to be an obedient servant of the Lord!
Machaela Irving